[Unknown], [Unknown]

Cemetery / Crematorium Name: Brandwood End Cemetery
Burial/Cremation Month:
Burial/Cremation Year:

For more information on this burial/cremation record, and to see the image on the right,
please purchase the record. You can do this by clicking below

Blurred Register Page Blurred view of register page containing [Unknown], [Unknown]

The format and the content shown within these register pages changes over time and also different information is sometimes recorded for each Cemetery/Crematorium. Certain fields may have been redacted (hidden) for data protection reasons. Each page may contain multiple records. The following information may (although not always) be shown on the purchased image:

  • Number of Entry (Burial/Cremation Number)
  • Description of person buried/interred
  • Rank or profession (occupation)
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Marital Status
  • Late residence/place where death occurred
  • Date of burial/cremation
  • Date of death
  • By whom the ceremony/service was performed (Officiating Minister; Sometimes including Funeral Director)
  • Registrars signature
  • By whom the certificate was given (persons signing certificates)
  • Grant or reference number
  • Place of Burial/Cremation (Section/Class within the Cemetery)
  • Number of Grave (Plot number within the Section/Class within the Cemetery)
  • Whether the deceased is in consecrated or unconsecrated ground (occasionally including Special, Free Church and Roman Catholic ground)
  • Description of grave and charges (occasionally including grave depth)
  • If Pauper – The Union
  • Fees
  • Receipt Number
  • Parish/District
  • Method of disposal of ashes
  • Remarks